Project Description
BlackFlash Expanded and the Emerging Digital Artists Award (EDAA) invited nine artists to contribute to a collective curriculum with the goal of helping to situate digital art practice in our current moment. Aptly titled Working Title, we acknowledge the futile nature of defining, categorizing, and “canonizing” a medium that is constantly evolving. However, through this project, we were excited to discover new approaches, perspectives and alignments in the field, and to illuminate digital art within the broader Canadian arts landscape while potentially even addressing gaps and inconsistencies around digital art in post-secondary arts education programs.
Artists were invited to respond to a series of prompts (any, all, or to create their own!):
Who comes to mind when you think about digital art?
What does it mean to be a digital artist today?
What broader implications do you see digital art taking on?
When did you start defining yourself as a digital artist?
Where does digital art start for you?
Why is it important to create a language around digital art?
How do misconceptions about digital art impact your practice?
Following the project’s launch, writer and curator Emily Fitzpatrick will respond to artist contributions in the Working Title: Digital Art Curriculum.

Feature image: @_cyber.ia, Working Title: Digital Art Curriculum, 2022.
Image description: A black textbook reminiscent of a ‘composition’ notebook covered in white dots. The dots become blurry as if exploding outward from the notebook. Centred within a purple background, black text reads “Working Title.” Below, text on a black background reads: “Digital Art Curriculum” in white font.
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