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Working Title: Digital Art Curriculum – Shirin Fahimi

Shirin Fahimi responds to questions posed through the Working Title Digital Art Curriculum with a series of digital drawings.

Who comes to mind when you think about digital art?

What does it mean to be a digital artist today?

When did you start defining yourself as a digital artist?

Where does digital art start for you?

Why is it important to create a language around digital art?

Feature image: Shirin Fahimi, In the house of fire with Avaz-e-Eshgh, 3D rendering, 2021-2022.

Image description: An illuminated 3D head of metallic gold hovers in front of a computer desktop screen.  Chainlink jewelry covers the eyes and mouth. 


Shirin Fahimi is a digital media artist based in Ontario, born in Iran. She investigates the colonial dichotomies of rationalism and superstition, as well as the ways in which women negotiate visibility in the political arena in Islamic societies through digital world-making.

Her research is influenced by Islamic mysticism literature and magic in Iranian society and diasporic communities.

Since 2016, she has developed her practice into a body of works, multi-media installations, performances, and extended reality series’ based on the Islamic binary code, a method of divination called Ilm-al-Raml, known as geomancy.

In her ongoing project,  “Umm al Raml’s Sand Narratives,” she juxtaposes the spiritual journey of Iranian women practicing mysticism in Toronto with a digital landscape generated through divination that imagines the future of female prophecy.

She has presented her work at critically recognized art venues including  Savvy Contemporary, Counter Pulse, and The Rubin Museum of Art. []

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