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Working Title: Digital Art Curriculum – Aljumaine Gayle

Aljumaine Gayle responds to questions posed through the Working Title: Digital Art Curriculum with a video titled: “Mercury is retrograde?”

Mercury is retrograde?

Lived experience as ceremony and as practice research in an evolving world:

The relationships an artist has not only shape the perspectives of the world they move in, but are their reality.

Producing art, research and critical thinking pieces that embody and respect our ancestors in an accountable, pragmatic and caring way.

Finding ways to maintain accountability to the communities we care about and come from by making careful choices with respect to one’s art practice. 

The pieces we create embody our way of thinking, being, and understanding of the evolving world. They create space for new realities and critical thinking through the process of worlding.

Questioning the past, current time and worlding for the future we desire.

Creating work that includes the thoughts, feelings and experiences that are rich, diverse, meaningful, and subversive if necessary.

Feature image: Aljumaine Gayle, The Voice Of All Things, still from soundscape design and audio reactive animation. Image: courtesy of artist.

Image description: An abstract image on a blue and white background. In the centre, lines of colour swirl around a star, appearing crystalline in form. The lines are made of colours of pink, purple, yellow, and green.

Aljumaine Gayle is a queer design technologist and creative manager based in Toronto. I’m passionate about using design to bridge the gap between visual design, user experience design, and engineering. My art practise that is rooted in afrofuturism in order to subvert systems. I enjoy being a researcher with the Technoscience Research Unit at the University of Toronto. I have a degree in digital futures from OCADU. I create experimental electronic music and short films in my free time. []

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