BlackFlash Expanded is excited to launch our series focusing on collectives with an archive of Prairie Collectives that have and continue to shape the region.
Luther Konadu
Luther Konadu is an artist based in Winnipeg, MB (Treaty One, Territory).
Luther Konadu speaks with artist Leonard Suryajaya about his elaborately staged photography and his integration of humour, culture, and family in his artistic process.
Fresh off the presses!
Our spring issue celebrates and explores moments of collectivity—sharing spaces, experiences, and knowledge. The issue features writing by Christina Hajjar, Michael Peterson, Cléo Sallis-Parchet, and Cole Thompson as well as artists Diane Borsato, Sean Weisgerber, Leonard Suryajaya, and Preston Pavlis.
Luther Konadu (MB) and Pao Houa Her (MN) share their personal experiences photographing their families, communities, and themselves. Through this conversation, they explore the binary between actively seeking change and at the same time grappling with a nostalgia for home and tradition.