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Inside Elsewhere ˚ ʚïɞ ˚

Lauren Warrington invites you into a space for reflection: a portal into another reality.

To play Inside Elsewhere˚ ʚïɞ ˚ click the image below (opens in another tab).

Image from Lauren Warrington’s Inside Elsewhere˚ ʚïɞ ˚
Image description: Pillowy white clouds on a blue and pink sky.


Inside Elsewhere˚ ʚïɞ ˚ is a generative 360° environment that examines memory, connection, and loss through glitched image files and imagined reality. Moving forward by reflecting on the past, I process personal moments, taking familial photos of past ancestors and corrupting the data into glitched files that texture this realm. I feel a parallel between a glitched file and a fading memory; in both instances, information has been lost, altered, or distorted. Weaving these images into a landscape, I create a portal to another reality populated with spirit symbols and connectors. Through this project, I invite you to reflect on your memories and stay connected to those who have passed on; moving beyond linear time toward the cyclical portals that surround us.

To Play:

Left-click to enter the game. Use the W, A, S, & D keyboard keys to move, the spacebar to jump, and the mouse to look in different directions.

System Requirements:

To play this game, you’ll need a desktop or laptop computer running: Windows, macOS or Linux (this game does not support mobile use). We recommended the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, or Brave (or another browser that is WebGL 1.0 or 2.0 capable).

video gameplay footage of Inside Elsewhere˚ ʚïɞ ˚, Lauren Warrington, 2022.

Feature image: Lauren Warrington, Inside Elsewhere ˚ ʚïɞ ˚, generative 360° environment, 2022.

Image description: A large, reflective rabbit sits in the middle of a generative 360° environment. A forest and a field of grass, brush, and red poppies fill the background and are reflected in the rabbit. The overall structure gives off a yellow glow that reaches into the sky. Where the rabbit’s face would typically be is an open portal; within it, clouds atop a purple sky above pink and yellow hills are visible.

Lauren Warrington is a Saskatoon based artist who received her Bachelor of Fine Arts High Honours from the University of Saskatchewan in 2019. Her practice revolves around the interplay of physical and virtual environments, incorporating printmaking, sculpture, digital animation, and virtual reality. Through her work, Lauren explores conventions associated with race, femininity, and how identity develops in an era dependent on technology. []

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