Using the aesthetics of indenture, Gosine seeks to re-establish connections to the land, its people, and the meaning of home.
As a latex or polyurethane plastic barrier used in dentistry and oral sex alike, a dental dam is the perfect reference point for Catherine’s work: it’s a manufactured material that secures the mouth, rendering it non-porous—uncontaminated—yet still capable of sensation.
“But even without the experience that I had—of meeting the subjects of Bui’s images in their everyday averageness—her photos hint at that unsettling divide.”
A reflection on the unique and dynamic “Tuesday Night” project and its artistic responses by Andreas Buchwaldt.
Nic Wilson reflects on queer visibility in Karen Asher’s 90 minute video “Class.”
The Saskatoon artist is using her mother’s home as the epicentre for her latest exhibition.
Maeve Hanna explores the difficulty and potential threat of deterioration associated when exhibiting fragile seminal video works.
a continuum of old and new school tagging and teachings
From the Archives: This is an online republishing of the original article, first published in the Fall 2016 issue of BlackFlash Magazine (33.3).
Researcher and colour theorist, Lannoo is presenting a body of work that peels back the layers of structural colour.