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Announcement: Jasmin Fookes appointed as Managing Editor

The board of directors of Buffalo Berry Press is excited to announce the appointment of Jasmin Fookes as Managing Editor of BlackFlash Magazine, effective May 15, 2023.

Jasmin Fookes is taking over for Maxine Proctor, who led the magazine through numerous challenges and initiated meaningful transformation from 2018-2023. Proctor was instrumental in raising the prairie-based magazine profile to an increasingly national readership. Through numerous issue launches, panel discussions, art book fairs, and fundraisers such as FlashDance, as well as the envisioning of Golden Hour and BlackFlash Expanded, Proctor has been a strong support to and driving force of the magazine for the past five years. The board would like to express our deepest gratitude for Proctor’s extraordinary dedication and care for BlackFlash and commend her ongoing commitment to art writing and publishing in Canada. We wish her the very best in her new endeavours at Remai Modern.

Jasmin Fookes (she/her) is an artist, educator, and arts organizer based in what is colonially known as Saskatoon/Treaty 6 Territory. She holds a BFA and MFA from the University of Saskatchewan (USask) and a certificate in Arts and Cultural Management from MacEwan University. She has over a decade of project management experience in various sectors of non-profit organizations, including community development, arts and culture, and education. Fookes recently was interim Exhibitions and Education Coordinator with the Saskatchewan Craft Council and a Sessional Instructor in the Digital and Integrated Practices teaching area within the Department of Art and Art History at USask.

“I feel energized to take on the role of Managing Editor and continue the work of predecessors Maxine Proctor, Travis Cole, and John Shelling, and so many more over its forty-year history. By leveraging meaningful relationships, the editorial committee continues to make with art writers and artists at all levels of their careers, I aim to implement innovative ways of expanding our readership and raising our profile”.

About BlackFlash: BlackFlash Magazine is a platform for contemporary visual art. Founded in 1983 by the Saskatoon artist-run centre, The Photographer’s Gallery (TPG), we are one of Canada’s longest-running magazines. BlackFlash is proudly published, designed, and disseminated in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and is an internationally recognized resource and authority on Canadian and international contemporary art.

BlackFlash is dedicated to presenting critical opinions, urgent issues, and innovative ideas about divergent artistic practices from across Canada, the United States and beyond. Each issue includes feature articles, profiles, interviews, and artist projects from a dynamic selection of artists, writers, and curators. BlackFlash fosters a rich public engagement with image-based practices, such as photography, video, and painting, as well as sound, performance and social practice by promoting energetic debate and showcasing diverse voices and communities (local, regional, national and international).

Since you're here

BlackFlash exists thanks to support from its readers. We are a not-for-profit organization. If you value our content, consider supporting BlackFlash by subscribing to the magazine or making a donation. A subscription gets you 3 beautiful issues per year delivered to your door, and any donation over $25 gets a tax receipt. Your support helps compensate our staff and contributors for their hard work.