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Infinities: Launching December 2021

Guest-edited by curator and art historian Nadia Kurd, “Infinities” features Canadian artists whose work examines the influence of the traditions and conventions of Islamic visual cultures on contemporary art.

Whether it is Persian miniature painting or the oral storytelling traditions from the Horn of Africa, Canadian artists are increasingly taking up uniquely diasporic practices that push the limits of meaning of Islamic art today.

Each print issue if Infinities features a limited-edition risograph print by emerging Afghan-Canadian artist Shaheer Zazai. Zazai is known for creating complex imagery based on Afghan rugs using Microsoft Word. In addition to the print issue of the magazine, Infinities features a full program of virtual talks and interviews by contributing artists. Three digital shorts by Alize Zorlutuna, Habiba El-Sayed, Faisa Omer, and Shaheer Zazai will be published in tandem with the issue’s launch.

For Infinities, Kurd commissioned over 20 artists and writers to explore their traditions, heritages, and artistic practices. From techniques and symbols to concepts and designs, artists such as Tazeen Qayyum, Abdi Osman, Shaheer Zazai, and Azadeh Elmizadeh, have employed various methods and materials to not only show the ways in which Islamic visual cultures continues to inform their work, but also the challenges, possibilities and implications in doing so. Through interviews, profiles, critical analysis, and candid conversations, this thoughtfully curated issue will significantly advance the conversation on not only Islamic art traditions in Canada, but also the relationship communities have with the art and artists who draw from a collective belief. 

Infinities is available to pre-order at

For more information, please contact:

BlackFlash magazine and Nadia Kurd are grateful for the generous support from Canada Council for the Arts for the production and dissemination of this issue.

Feature image: Shaheer Zazai, BFM8.511-9, 2020. Produced in Microsoft Word; cover image: Samar Hejazi, Little Blue-six, 2021. Tatreez (Palestinian embroidery) from The Intricacies of Wholeness series, 20 x 10 cm. Photo by Jessica Thalmann.

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