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Vampire Beat: BlackFlash Magazine’s annual fundraiser.

BlackFlash Magazine’s annual fundraiser Vampire Beat is back! This years event will be hosted in the PAVED / AKA event space with additional locations generously sponsored by Village Guitar and The Underground Cafe right next door!

BlackFlash Magazine’s annual fundraiser Vampire Beat is back! This years event will be hosted in the PAVED / AKA event space with additional locations generously sponsored by Village Guitar and The Underground Cafe right next door!

This year’s Vampire Beat costume party promises to be one of the best, with DJ sets at AKA / PAVED by Dannie Darko (Dan Watson of the ever popular “Things We Never Did” goth night), Romper Rae (Lisa Hall) DJ Downtown (Sydney Smith) & Economics (Dean Summach).

BrendaMachine (Brenda Jackson) will be holding down the decks at Village Guitar between sets performed by:

Surf rock dreamboats The Catamounts

Local surf punk trio Spacemints

Local instrumental electronic producer Form

and ambient electronic project Ursa

For those that feel like showing off your costumes and belt out a wicked version of Thriller, The Underground Cafe will be your venue as they’ll be hosting Karaoke all night long.

As usual, Vampire Beat will have spooky video projections in the main room, an awesome photo booth to document your amazing costume designs, and the annual costume contest with prize packs for best solo, couple and group costumes.

Vampire Beat is generously sponsored by Value Village, Black Bridge Brewery, Village Guitar and The Underground Cafe.

**This is a 19+ event, please make sure you bring your ID’s**

Saturday October 28 2017 9PM – 1AM
AKA/PAVED event space | Village Guitar | The Underground Cafe
424 20th Street West, Saskatoon, Canada


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