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Kyle Whitehead Strange Meetings

Out of the international underground film move­ment of the 1960s, an alchemical avant-garde slowly formed. It formed in the home darkrooms and studios of artists who imagined a new cinema, an altogether handmade thing, wherein the conventional processes of the photochemical lab could be reshaped, the recipes refigured, to transmute the film strip’s latent image into something nobler than an image merely processed.

The Artist as Bricoleur

I first met Québécois filmmaker Guillaume Vallée in Percé, Quebec, at Les Percéides: La Grande Rencontre des Arts Médiatiques. At the festival, Vallée presented Le bulbe tragique, 2016, a film which was awarded Best Canadian Work at the 2016 WNDX Festival of Moving Image, and performed Promenade Éphémère, an expanded cinema collaboration with filmmaker Charles-André Coderre and musician Charles Barabé.